Jargon buster

Simplify all the terms found on this website

  • Augmented Reality: Augmented Reality (AR) is a technology that overlays digital information on the real world in real-time, using computer vision and displays.
  • CBDC: (CBDC) Central Bank Digital Currency is a digital version of a country’s fiat currency issued and backed by the central bank of that country
  • Cryptocurrency: Cryptocurrency is a digital or virtual money that uses special code to secure and control transactions. It is not controlled by any government or bank
  • FPS First person Shooter: A first person shooter (FPS) game is a genre of video game that immerses players in a first-person perspective, as if seen by your own eyes. With gameplay focused on shooting and combat.
  • Hardware Wallet: A hardware wallet is a small device that stores your cryptocurrencies offline and securely, protecting them from online hacks or theft.
  • Interoperability: Interoperability refers to the ability of different systems, platforms, or applications to work together and exchange data effectively. This allows for seamless communication and data transfer between different systems.
  • NFT Non Fungible Token: An NFT is a unique digital item like a trading card that shows who owns it. It’s stored on a computer and used to buy and sell digital art or other creations.
  • Smart Contract: A smart contract is a digital agreement that automatically executes when conditions are met, stored securely on a decentralized blockchain network
  • MMORPG: MMORPG stands for Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game, a type of online game where players interact with each other in a virtual world, assuming various roles and embarking on quests and adventures.
  • Private Blockchain: A Blockchain where access is restricted to a select group of individuals or organisations. It is used for internal purposes, such as supply chain management.
  • Public Blockchain: A decentralised blockchain that anyone can join and participate in. Is it used for public transactions., such as cryptocurrency exchanges and smart contract execution.
  • RPG RPG stands for Role-Playing Game, where players assume the roles of characters in a fictional world and progress through a story by completing tasks and quests.
  • Tokenomics: Tokenomics refers to the economics and mechanics of tokens in a blockchain game. In a blockchain game, tokens can represent various in-game assets, such as currency, items, or even characters. Tokenomics refers to how these tokens are created, distributed, and used within the game ecosystem

When we use an Acronym we will allways show the definition of the acronym after the first placing of the letters.

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